RC5LCDinfo v0.1.1 Copyright (c) 2003, linuxathome.net All Rights Reserved Designed and Coded by Martin (a.k.a. Mayhem) This README file contains mainly installation instructions, help, and other useful information that is necessary to correctly setup and use the RC5 LCD script. PLEASE NOTE: That this is currently a Beta test release and therefore not 100% working, some more modifications are planned before it will be officially released. --------------------------------- In this document you will find: 1. Introduction 2. Installation Instructions 3. Help and FAQ 4. Contact information --------------------------------- 1. Introduction ================ RC5LCDinfo is designed to display your distributed.net RC5-72 client statistics on a LCD screen (currently setup for 20x4 character LCDs). Features include: - Unit Statistics (In, Out and Percentage complete) - Number of crunchers - Keys/second - CPU Time used on the current dnetc process - Projected ideal time to completion - Many more features to come .... Please note that some of these features require programs and therefore may not work on certain distributions. ************************************************************** * This software is freely available for use by anyone or any * * company who wishs to use it on there Linux Apache server. * * * * Changes to the code may also be done as it is an open * * source project between Linux enthusiasts. * * * * The only limitation is that all copyright information and * * and notices must stay intack with any copy downloaded * * modified or by and other means changed. * * * * The software must not be sold under any circumstances. * * That includes any versions made from this original code * * or a variation of this code. * ************************************************************** 2. Installation Instructions ============================= Before you get started you will require the LCDproc server which is freely available for download (http://lcdproc.omnipotent.net/), this perl script was developed using v0.4.x a) Firstly you will need to uncompress the the files into a directory. Please note that the latest version of this script should be downloaded from the main site which is www.linuxathome.net b) There are only two things to configure with the script, firstly you need to give it the appropriate executable permissions (this is done by typing chmod +x rc5lcd.pl). The second configuration is inside the script, this is if you want to enable the fourth screen which is the creator information screen (disabled by default). Firstly open the script using your favourite editor (e.g. pico rc5lcd.pl) and going down to line #32 just under the "#setup variables" line. You will need to change the line from $display_info = 0; to $display_info = 1; Then save the file and exit. b) Assuming you already have LCDproc and the dnetc client installed you will firstly need to start the LCDproc server (most likely located in /usr/local/bin/ and called LCDd, make sure to use the appropriate LCD drivers and options you require). c) Next you will need to start the RC5-72 distributed.net client and redirect its output to a temporary file which will be used for gathering the required information for the RC5LCDinfo script. Simple type /path/to/dnetc > rc5.log & in the directory where you saved the script. d) Now that the LCDd server and dnetc are both running you can start the LCD script. This is done by either of two ways perl rc5lcd.pl > /dev/null & or ./rc5lcd.pl > /dev/null & Now the program should be running. Check your lcd and enjoy. 3. Help and FAQ ================ PROBLEM: When I start the script for the first time the LCD produces blank output. SOLUTIONS: a) This is because it takes a couple of seconds or even minutes (depending on your cpu speed) to start the log file, once the log file has the appropriate information from the client then it should start displaying all the required information. b) There is something wrong, maybe the LCDd server isn't configured properly yet or the RC5 client isn't work. PROBLEM: Some of the values aren't displaying correctly. SOLUTIONS: a) Check to make sure the log file is properly being generated as above. b) This could be a bug in the script as its a beta, please email a copy of your LCDd, dnetc and script settings along with your rc5.log file so that I can check over it. For any other questions or to report a bug please email me: mayhem@linuxathome.net 4. Contact =========== Name: Martin (a.k.a. Mayhem) Website: www.linxuathome.net E-mail: mayhem@linuxathome.net