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    Affiliates Rectangle Window Kit Review

     Date: April 19th, 2001
     Type: Review
     Supplier: PCCaseGear
     Author: mayhem

    Installing The Window:
    Once your happy with the case it is time to remove the masking tape and get ready to put the acrylic window in. Firstly it is recommended that you clear everything away (this includes sharp tools and loose fillings of metal, as these can scratch the acrylic window) and that you clean the case down so that there is nothing loose on it.

    Place some towel or newspaper down on a flat surface and place the panel with the outside (painted side) facing down. Now you need to install the rubber molding all around the newly cut whole, (make sure that the side with the groove for the locking strip is facing you - the inside surface of the case) I recommend that you don't cut the molding until the very end when you have made sure its as firmly held in place as possible (we didn't need to trip the molding at all - but we did trim the molding strip as it was a bit too long), its better to squash it in as best you can as it will eventually shrink with time and heat (impossible to stop with rubber).

    Peel the cover edges off the acrylic window (about 2-3cm) so that you can fit the window into place (and still protect it). This is about the only fiddly bit of the installation, you will need to carefully place one corner of the window into the rubber molding and keeping adjusting it until you can completely install the window into its place. It is alot easier if you roll the molding over the lip and then put the window section in and then carefully roll the molding back into place (this is where it pays to have a friend help you, two people can put it in a whole lot easier than a single person can). With the aid of a small jewelers screwdriver or a small one of any kind it makes the install a fair bit easier as you can hold the rubber up while carefully installing the acrylic.

    The rubber seems to be a little too thick, i.e. It sticks out a fair bit, but I am assuming this is to hold it firmly in place and also prevent the acrylic from being scratched if the case rubs up against something.

    Once you have the window firmly in place it is time to insert the locking strip to hold the window in place. If you carefully look at it you can notice that one end is slightly wider than the other, this is the side that faces up to make a nice tight fit and spread the molding to make it as tight as possible. It is recommended that when you start to put the locking strip in place that you don't start near the ends of the molding, as you want to make the seem as small as possible so that its hard to see and looks like one whole piece. Make sure that you press the locking strip in as firmly as you can so that it holds nicely, and when done you may need to cut any excess off from the end with the utility knife.

    Now that you have the acrylic window installed nicely, it is time to remove the paper covering from the perspex, but be very careful and pull gently as you don't want to pull out the window and have to put it all back in again. Now you should have a lovely clear window in the side of you case. Since the acrylic is new and has had its covers removed it has a slight static charge and therefor will attract alot of dust etc. so you might want to wash it down. (It is going to get dusty so you will need to regularly wash it down to keep it clear and looking good)

    Well the whole process took took less than one hour to do, and as you can see from the final photo below it looks great. The instructions provided were really clear and simple to follow and there wasn't any major drama's during the installation process. Its just a pity that for now my machine has to be located in a sort of corner (will have to move it shortly so as to make full advantage of the window). Thanks to the use of the jigsaw it was a quick cut and very close to the perfect shape of the window.

    I give the guys and girls at pcMods and especially PCCaseGear a big round of applause this mod, its simple to install and very effective, all it needs now is a nice Lightning Neon Light (HINT HINT) to make it look even better (maybe in a later review), its also an inexpensive way to make your case a feature and not an eyesore (I am now considering putting one in my full tower case). A special thanks goes out to James Cameron from PCCG who organised and supplied the Rectangle window kit for review.

    If you like the look of this window as much as I do and wish to purchase a kit for you own machine, then please visit the PCCaseGear website at and make your order online, also they stock a wide range of cooling and lighting equipment to even further improve the look of your machine.

    Score: 9 / 10

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      Supplier Information


    If you would like to purchase the Rectangle Window Kit or and of the other case modifications products that provides then please visit there site They stock a wide variety or windows, lights, fans and other great products that will make your case stand out among the rest.

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